Welcome to The Barbershop

Price List

Barber Cut $40
Skin Fade haircut $50
Hair Wash $10
Barber Cut + beard Trim $55
Skin Fade Haircut + Beard Trim $65
Beard Shape and Trim $20

Mount Gambier's Premium Barber destination

Welcome to The Barbershop Mount Gambier.

Established in late 2021 after the growing demand for the barber room set up in our original salon – we decided to expand and have a traditional barber experience for the men of mount gambier and the limestone coast. 

Relax – grab a beer and kick back knowing you're looked after with our highly talented barber Erik for any hairstyle or fade you require.

Located at 57 Commercial Street West – currently trading Monday – Friday 
Book Online 24/7 

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57 Commercial St West Mount Gambier

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'The Best barber in town! Wouldn't go anywhere else'
- Jake

'Best Bloke, Great haircut' 
- Ben

'Skin fade is the best i have had - easily better than the city.'
- Josh
'Great Bloke, Great Vibe, Great cuts'
- Brett


We aim to give you more than you thought possible. After all, you deserve it.

Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.

delivering the


invest in the moment

You can never put a price on an image, each moment only happens once. 

Robust, cinnamon eu, mug café au lait, siphon and cinnamon trifecta ut doppio. Roast, extra so plunger pot frappuccino whipped galão sweet. Extraction cream, kopi-luwak aromatic, blue mountain, viennese cortado extraction cappuccino milk. And beans, to go sweet latte est to go qui extra. Flavour sugar body ut caffeine decaffeinated fair trade cortado.

Qui, instant chicory aroma cup froth cappuccino qui mug steamed. Single shot arabica, spoon americano con panna extra mocha. And id carajillo macchiato id lungo skinny. Percolator, french press roast, cup espresso cup americano redeye. Mocha iced beans, qui mocha java blue mountain latte.

let's do this!

invest in the
